Our club was 4th/5th on the tour­na­ment weekend. Sep­tem­ber 2021 in Ber­lin was quite well repre­sen­ted with 6 couples.

The children’s and juni­or clas­ses took part on Satur­day. Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Cha­t­a­low dared to take part in the tour­na­ment despi­te only a short trai­ning peri­od, for which you deser­ve a round of applau­se for your par­ti­cu­lar cou­ra­ge. Our Frank­furt cou­ples also danced Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz as well as Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens in the Juni­or ID and II D classes.

Mak­sym and Eve­li­na suc­cee­ded Pro­mo­ti­on to the C class, whe­re they even recei­ved the run­ner-up natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title in the Juni­or IC tournament. 

On Sun­day, a Frank­furt cou­ple from each seni­or age group com­pe­ted, with the cou­ple having only a short tour­na­ment expe­ri­ence – Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust – won 3 natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship titles, name­ly in Sen II D, Sen III D and Sen III C after their pro­mo­ti­on to the C class.

Wear the 2021 run­ner-up natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title Georg Win­zer and Edda Edda Tuch­schee­rer-Ehr­hardt in the Sen ID class; Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk at Sen II C.



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