Ute Golz

Trai­ner B Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Standard

Trai­ner B Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Latin 

Ute has been in 1. TSC Frank­furt (Oder) for over 27 years. Your mem­ber­ship num­ber is 0065. 

Mar­tin Lutz

Coach B Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Standard

Coach C Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Latin

Judge C

Vice and 3rd place at the Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ships, semi­fi­na­list at the World Cham­pi­on­ships for Seni­or IS Combined.

Marek Roki­ta

Coach B Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Standard

Coach B Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Sports Latin 

Marek has a Polish diplo­ma as a “Trai­ner of the mas­ter class of sports dance”. 

Lisa & Mar­co Kühne

Dance tea­cher for Discofox 

Lisa and Mar­co have been dancing Dis­co­fox as a tour­na­ment cou­ple sin­ce 2018, now in the hig­hest class and in inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons (5th place at the 2022 World Championships). 

Jason Pie­renz


Jason has been dancing com­pe­ti­tively for over 9 years. His suc­ces­ses include par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Ger­man Stan­dard Cham­pi­on­ships in 2017 and 2019.

Cin­dy Push

Exer­cise leader

I’ve been dancing sin­ce I was 4 years old. I have been loy­al to tour­na­ment sports for many years. One of my grea­test suc­ces­ses was taking part in the Ger­man Stan­dard Cham­pi­on­ship in 2017.

Danie­la Rische

DOSB trai­ner C mass sports

Danie­la is a long-time mem­ber of the club and for­mer chair­wo­man. The les­sons in your children’s groups are legendary. 

Lisa Rische

DOSB trai­ner C mass sports

Lisa is a long-time mem­ber of the club, a for­mer com­pe­ti­ti­on dancer and trainer. 

Beco­me part of our team!

We are always loo­king for com­mit­ted and qua­li­fied trainers. 

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