We are proud of each of our dance couples. 

Pho­to: Private 

Heinz Krau­se and Car­la-Maria Krause

Mas­ters IV A Standard 

Pho­to: Private 

Frank Fle­sch­ner and Mari­na Fleschner 

Mas­ters III S Standard 

Pho­to: Private 

Dr. Kas­par Frey and Dr. Gud­run Frey

Mas­ters III B Standard 

Pho­to: Private 

Ste­fan Scholz and
Anna Lunk

Mas­ters III B Stan­dard / Latin 

Pho­to: Private 

Dirk Vogel and Ramo­na Vogel

Mas­ters III B Stan­dard / Latin 

Pho­to: Klaus Butenschön 

Tors­ten Klaust and Sophie Klaust

Mas­ters III B Standard 

Pho­to: Private 

Wil­fried Kul­la and Regi­na Böhme

Mas­ters III C Standard 

Pho­to: AR Photography 

Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Rybinska

Mas­ters II S Stan­dard / Latin 

Pho­to: Private 

Georg Win­zer and Anke Schneider

Mas­ters II C Stan­dard / B Latin 

Pho­to: Private 

Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker

Mas­ters II B Stan­dard / C Latin 

Pho­to: Private 

Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Renné

Mas­ters II B Standard 

Pho­to: Private 

Tho­ralf Böli­cke and Anja Bölicke

Mas­ters II D Stan­dard / Latin

Pho­to: Klaus Butenschön 

Thors­ten and Kry­sty­na Müller 

Mas­ters II D Stan­dard / Latin 

Pho­to: AR Photography 

Mar­co Küh­ne and Lisa Kühne 

Main group II D Stan­dard / C Latin / S Discofox 

Pho­to: Private 

Jason Pie­renz and Josie Brandt

Main group A Stan­dard / B Latin 

Pho­to: Private 

Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens

Juni­ors II B Stan­dard / Latin

Pho­to: Private 

Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz

Juni­ors II B Stan­dard / Latin

Pho­to: AR Photography 

Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Chatalow

Youth B Stan­dard / Latin / Dis­co­fox Juniors

Pho­to: Private 

Joh­nathan Lan­ge and Dalia Günther

Juni­or ID Stan­dard / Latin

Pho­to: Private 

Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Willborn

Child­ren I/II C Stan­dard / D Latin

Samu Hart­mut Kirsch­ke and Aylia Selin Lemke

Kin I/II C Stan­dard / Latin 

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