Dance sport badge DTSA

We hold an accep­tance test at least once a year Ger­man dance sports badge (DTSA).

The same gene­ral con­di­ti­ons app­ly to the DTSA as to the one award­ed by the DOSB Ger­man sports badge. It is the offi­ci­al DTV award for good dancing and phy­si­cal fit­ness. In this con­text, it is reco­gni­zed by most health insu­rance com­pa­nies in their respec­ti­ve bonus programs.

The badge is award­ed in: 

  • Bron­ze: 3 dances (each with at least 4 figures/step sequences)
  • Sil­ver: 4 dances (each with at least 6 figures/step sequences)
  • Gold: 5 dances (each with at least 8 figures/step sequences)
  • Bril­li­ant: 6 dances (each with at least 10 figures/step sequences)

The per­son being exami­ned is allo­wed to choo­se the dances and the figu­res themselves.

The DTSA is award­ed in almost all well-known dances: Stan­dard, Latin, Dis­co­fox, Sal­sa, Meren­gue, seni­or dance, children’s dance, hip hop, video clip dancing, JMD, guard, tap dance, old dances, folk dances, Argen­ti­ne tan­go, coun­try & wes­tern, line dance, ori­en­tal dance, wheel­chair dance, New Vogue, Boo­gie Woo­gie and Rock’n’Roll.

The DTSA accep­tance is express­ly also for non-members. 

Dancing stars for children

Sin­ce 2011, the Ger­man Dance Sports Badge has been pos­si­ble spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for child­ren up to 8 years of age. The requi­re­ments are sui­ta­ble for child­ren and are well sui­ted as a start at this ear­ly age. The­re are child-fri­end­ly cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and but­tons with the dancing star. 

  • Litt­le dancing star (2 dif­fe­rent dances)
  • Big dancing star (3 dif­fe­rent dances)

DTSA Offi­cer of the 1st TSC

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the dance badge or would you like to take part in the next accep­tance test?

Cont­act Tho­ralf Böli­cke at

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