Bridge Buil­der Cup

On Sun­day, June 4th, 2023, our juni­or and youth tour­na­ment took place in the Sabi­nus­stras­se sports hall in Frank­furt (Oder).

Infor­ma­ti­on about the tournament

place and time

Sports hall, Sabi­nus­stra­ße 2, 15232 Frank­furt (Oder) eV 

Admis­si­on: 10 a.m

Start: 11 a.m

Per­for­mance classes

Juni­or ID and C Stan­dard and Latin 

Juni­ors II D and C Stan­dard and Latin 

Youth D and C Stan­dard and Latin

Start times

11:00 Juni­or ID Standard

11:30 Juni­ors II D Standard

12:00 Youth D Standard

12:30 Juni­or ID Latin

13:00 Juni­ors II D Latin

1:30 p.m. Youth D Latin

2:00 p.m. Juni­or IC Stan­dard and Juni­ors II C Stan­dard (com­bi­ned)

14:30 Youth C Standard

15:00 Juni­or IC Latin

15:30 Juni­ors II C Latin

16:00 Youth C Latin

* final sta­tus as of June 1st, 2023

Ent­rance fees

€5 redu­ced (child­ren, school­child­ren, trai­nees, stu­dents, peo­p­le with a sever­ely dis­ab­led ID)

10€ nor­mal price


Eating and drin­king is not per­mit­ted in the hall, but is per­mit­ted in the ante­room. For your phy­si­cal well-being is in shape of sand­wi­ches, cakes, bock­wurst and the like.

Heel pro­tec­tors are requested.


Enter Frank­furt (Oder) from the motor­way via the 112 “Am Goltz­horn”, turn right into Bir­ken­al­lee, at the kin­der­gar­ten turn right again into Wil­lich­stra­ße, then left into Gus­tav-Adolf-Stra­ße. Dri­ve the road to the end. Par­king spaces are loca­ted direct­ly in front of the hall. 

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