Sta­te Cham­pi­on­ships Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg 2024

Expe­ri­ence the best dance cou­ples from Ber­lin and Bran­den­burg in the Latin dances.

Be the­re when the Frank­furt (Oder) exhi­bi­ti­on hall is trans­for­med into a cen­ter for top dance sport on Satur­day, Febru­ary 24, 2024. The 1st TSC Frank­furt (Oder) orga­ni­zes the Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg sta­te cham­pi­on­ship for juni­or, youth and main group pairs in Latin Ame­ri­can dances up to the hig­hest level, the spe­cial class.

  • Febru­ary 24th, 2024, ent­ry 10:00 a.m. Tour­na­ment starts at 11:00 a.m
  • Exhi­bi­ti­on Hall 1, Mes­se­ring 1, 15234 Frank­furt (Oder)
  • 225 m² dance floor
  • Sam­ba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Rum­ba, Paso Doble, Jive
  • Cate­ring
Frank­furt (Oder) exhi­bi­ti­on hall

The ulti­ma­te Venue for dance tour­na­ments and events!

The exhi­bi­ti­on hall in Frank­furt (Oder) not only reli­es on impres­si­ve dance flo­ors, but also on sound that appeals to the senses.


Tickets are available in advan­ce, at the box office or direct­ly online. 

Pre­mi­um VIP tickets sold out

  • Ger­man-Polish Tou­rist Information
  • Gro­ße Oder­stra­ße 29, 15230 Frank­furt (Oder)
  • Mon­day to Fri­day: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


You have free choice of seats at the tables in the second and third row.

Child­ren and young peo­p­le up to 18 years old as well as trai­nees and stu­dents up to 25 years old and sever­ely dis­ab­led peo­p­le pay a redu­ced price.

Pro­of must be car­ri­ed at the ent­rance and shown wit­hout being asked. 

Pre­mi­um VIP 

You sit right at the front of the action.
- sold out –

You purcha­se a seat at a table in the front row. 

Except for 25, 26 and 27. 


You have free choice of seats at the tables in the second and third row.

Sea­ting plan of exhi­bi­ti­on hall 1

Time sche­du­le

As of: Febru­ary 19, 2024

  • 11:00 a.m. Main group D
  • 11:20 a.m. Youth B
  • 12:40 p.m. Main Group C
  • 1:00 p.m. Youth A
  • 2:00 p.m. Juni­or IB
  • 2:30 p.m. Juni­ors II B
  • 3:15 p.m. Main group B
  • 4:45 p.m. Main Group A
  • 5:15 p.m. Main group S

Fre­quent­ly asked questions

Cont­act us directly:

Anja Böli­cke

How can I buy tickets? 

You can buy tickets online on this page or direct­ly at the cen­tral loca­ti­on, just a few steps away from Frank­furt City Hall, at the Ger­man-Polish Tou­rist Infor­ma­ti­on in the Bol­fras­haus (Gro­ße Oder­stra­ße 29, 15230 Frank­furt (Oder)).

How do I recei­ve my elec­tro­nic tickets? 

When you make a cre­dit card purcha­se, you pro­vi­de the club with your email address. After the pay­ment has been pro­ces­sed, we will send you your tickets in elec­tro­nic form to the email address pro­vi­ded. Plea­se make sure your email address is cor­rect. If you do not recei­ve the ticket email, plea­se cont­act us using the fol­lo­wing email address:

How are seats allocated? 

Six pre­mi­um tickets are sold per table. The table num­ber is sta­ted on your ticket. Plea­se agree on the sea­ting arran­ge­ment with your table neigh­bors. Free choice of sea­ting appli­es at all other tables in the rows behind the pre­mi­um tables. Arri­ving on time ensu­res good places.

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