Wel­co­me to the dance sports club Frank­furt (Oder)!

The 1. Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) e. V. has been offe­ring top-class dancing in Frank­furt (Oder) and Slu­bice for over 30 years.

Our spe­ci­al­ly trai­ned trai­ners work in com­pli­ance with the body’s natu­ral move­ment needs and with a par­ti­cu­lar­ly high level of fun. The­re is some­thing for ever­yo­ne! Dis­co­ver dancing for yours­elf. In our dance club you will learn the most beau­tiful ball­room dances from expe­ri­en­ced dance trai­ners. Whe­ther stan­dard and Latin Ame­ri­can dances or dis­co­fox; Whe­ther you are a beg­in­ner, a hob­by dancer or a com­pe­ti­ti­ve dancer – you are gua­ran­teed to find the right one with us Trai­ning group.

See for yours­elf with a free and non-bin­ding one Tri­al trai­ning!

  • rum­ba
  • Chach­acha
  • Jive
  • Paso Doble
  • sam­ba
  • Slow waltz
  • tan­go
  • Vien­nese waltz
  • Slow­fox
  • Quick­step
  • Dis­co­fox / Dis­co Hustle

30 years of dance sport in Frank­furt (Oder)


News from the 1st Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) eV 

For the dance cou­ples of child­ren, juni­ors and youth […]
The first DTV ran­king tour­na­ments of the year took place in Pinneberg […]
Last year, the East Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ship cele­bra­ted its […]
Our dance cou­ples have just made their way into the […]
Child­ren and young peo­p­le. up to 18 years
Trai­nees and stu­dents up to 25 years old
  • self-con­scious­ness
  • Fun
  • Sen­se of space
  • crea­ti­vi­ty
Acti­ve adult 
  • Popu­lar sports
  • com­pe­ti­ti­ve sport
  • free trai­ning
Pas­si­ve adult 
  • News­let­ter
  • Events
Dancing for children

Dancing streng­thens that Self-con­scious­ness,  pro­mo­tes the Crea­ti­vi­ty,

pre­vents con­cen­tra­ti­on dis­or­ders, tea­ches lear­ning con­tent such as num­bers and lan­guage, streng­thens the sen­se of space, redu­ces stress and is just plain fun. Sui­ta­ble for child­ren aged 4 and over. 

Popu­lar sports

Dancing is dream with your feet.

Sim­ply “learn to dance” or pur­sue dancing as the most beau­tiful hob­by for two – you can learn to dance as a cou­ple at any age and at any time. 

Tour­na­ment sports

The tour­na­ment dance is the Pre­mier class in dance sport 

We have excel­lent cou­ples and com­pe­ti­ti­ve sports trai­ners for the 10 dances (stan­dard and Latin) as well as Discofox. 

The 1st Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) eV is a mem­ber of the fol­lo­wing associations:

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