Frank­furt (Oder) exhi­bi­ti­on hall

With the TAF Ger­ma­ny Cup + East Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ship 2023 One of the lar­gest Dis­co­fox tour­na­ments in Ger­ma­ny is coming to Frank­furt (Oder). The  Exhi­bi­ti­on halls are the appro­pria­te place for them best Dis­co­fox dancers in Ger­ma­ny.

As a spec­ta­tor you can expect Dis­co­fox in its best form inclu­ding Dis­co­fox show dances. For­get that Let’s Dance Dis­co­fox mara­thon. You will be thril­led once you have seen the dancers from all regi­ons of Ger­ma­ny – and may­be you would like to dance a litt­le more Discofox?

  • Over 2400 m2 Event space
  • Over 200 m2 dance floor 
  • Over 400 spec­ta­tor seats
    at tables of 6
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal catering
  • Free ent­ry for child­ren up to 14 years

1–2 tip

Ever­y­bo­dy knows him. Step-step tip, step-step tip. 

Ever­yo­ne dances it. Dis­co­fox is the cou­ples dance of choice at wed­dings, com­pa­ny par­ties and proms. 

But how do Ger­man mas­ters dance Dis­co­fox? At the Tour­na­ment Disc Fox the­re are three dance categories:


Action, fun and spec­ta­cu­lar cha­rac­ters. The Quick is the fast Dis­co­fox (110 – 136 BPM).

The for­mer Ger­man cham­pi­ons in Dis­co­fox And­re Bodschel­ler and Anna Höhl. 


Emo­ti­ons, grace and calm cha­rac­te­ri­ze the slow Dis­co­fox (80 – 110 BPM).

Mar­cel Hug­ler and Nadi­ne Schul­ze 2018. Mean­while IDO World Cham­pi­on­ship in Dis­co­fox SII. 

Free­style (show) of the spe­cial classes

Your own cos­tu­mes, your own music and the who­le area to yours­elf. In the hig­hest class, all cou­ples dance an indi­vi­du­al show, the so-cal­led freestyle.

Eka­te­ri­na Leo­no­va and Igor Poka­s­a­n­ev with their Ala­din free­style at the World Dance Gala.


  • 1:00 p.m. entry
  • 2:00 p.m. Tour­na­ment start

*Sche­du­le not gua­ran­teed. All infor­ma­ti­on is a guideline. 

Impres­si­ons from 2022. 


Tickets are available at the box office. 

  • 15€ nor­mal price
  • 10€ redu­ced*
  • €0 child­ren up to 14 years free

The­re are over 400 seats at tables of 6. Plea­se note the free choice of tables and seats. 

*after pre­sen­ting a school ID card, stu­dent ID card, sever­ely dis­ab­led per­son ID card, pen­si­on card


The TAF Deutsch­land Cup 2023 will take place at the Frank­furt (Oder) trade fair.

Ques­ti­ons & Contact 

If you have any ques­ti­ons plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us. 

  • info@tanzsportclub-frankfurt-oder.de
  • 0178 2871738
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