Club docu­ments


§2 Pur­po­se

“The pur­po­se of the asso­cia­ti­on is to main­tain and pro­mo­te ama­teur sport as a phy­si­cal exer­cise for all ages as well as the appro­pria­te and pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning of dance ath­le­tes for competition.”

House rule

“4. It is for­bidden to enter the dance flo­or wea­ring street shoes and snea­k­ers with black soles. Shoes must be chan­ged in the anteroom.”

Appli­ca­ti­on for admission

“I con­firm that I have read the association’s sta­tu­tes. The sta­tu­tes are available in the club­house of the 1st Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) eV and can also be found online at”

Key order

“(1) Free training

Upon request, as a mem­ber of our club you will recei­ve a key for the club room so that you can train free­ly at the times spe­ci­fied in the cur­rent trai­ning plan.”

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