Win­ter camp 2025

Our win­ter camp in the Lin­dow sports and edu­ca­ti­on cen­ter is not just an event, but a long-stan­ding tra­di­ti­on. Immer­se yours­elf in a world of dance, accom­pa­nied by pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ners and a wide ran­ge of acti­vi­ties for all levels. Expe­ri­ence a win­try atmo­sphe­re and unfor­gettable dance moments. 

  • 17.01.–19.01.2025
  • Lin­dow sports and edu­ca­ti­on center
  • 5 trai­ners
  • 24 hour trai­ning offers
  • 3 par­al­lel rooms
  • 80 par­ti­ci­pan­ts
  • pri­ce per person


In Lin­dow the­re are sin­gle or dou­ble rooms divi­ded into seve­ral buildings. 

Lorem Ipsum

Our guests include ath­le­tes and clubs from eli­te and popu­lar sports. But com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons also use our sports cen­ter for team-buil­ding, sport­ing semi­nars and conferences.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at my dolo­re tri­ta­ni repu­di­an­dae. In his nemo­re temporibus

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at my dolo­re tri­ta­ni repu­di­an­dae. In his nemo­re temporibus

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at my dolo­re tri­ta­ni repu­di­an­dae. In his nemo­re temporibus

Increase your engagement

Dear dance sport friends,

Your dona­ti­on makes it pos­si­ble to sup­port our dance pro­jects and club life. Every con­tri­bu­ti­on is a step towards more lively dances and shared expe­ri­en­ces. Thank you for your gene­rous support!

Fre­quent­ly asked questions

Ask us directly: 

Mar­co Kühne 

Maik Jahn

Is the­re vegetarian/vegan food?

In prin­ci­ple the­re is also one in Lin­dow vegetarian/vegan Opti­ons. Plea­se let us know your die­ta­ry habits when booking. 

I have a food intolerance.

Plea­se let us know when boo­king Into­le­ran­ces so that we can start tal­king to the hotel at an ear­ly stage to find a solution.

What if I get sick while traveling?

As the orga­ni­zer, we take out tra­vel can­cel­la­ti­on insu­rance for all par­ti­ci­pan­ts, which covers the event of ill­ness. If you can pro­ve that you are ill before­hand (cer­ti­fi­ca­te), we can refund your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee. 


The Lin­dow sports and edu­ca­ti­on cen­ter is loca­ted in the beau­tiful sta­te of Bran­den­burg, right bet­ween Ham­burg and Ber­lin. The com­plex extends idyl­li­cal­ly bet­ween forests and lakes. Expe­ri­ence pure nature!


Lin­dow sports and edu­ca­ti­on center

Gran­seer Str. 10, 16835 Lin­dow (Mark)

For direct ques­ti­ons to the accommodation

Tele­pho­ne: 033933 400

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