Online form

Fill out this online form (per per­son). We will cont­act you by email and ans­wer any ques­ti­ons you may have. Then go to the desi­red group. For child­ren, plea­se pro­vi­de the par­ents’ email address and tele­pho­ne num­ber. Plea­se remem­ber  clean and abra­si­on-resistant repla­ce­ment shoes.

I am inte­res­ted in beco­ming a mem­ber of the 1st Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) eV and am the­r­e­fo­re try­ing out the trai­ning for a maxi­mum of 2 weeks. I can then con­ti­nue to take part in trai­ning if I beco­me a club member.

Feel free to wri­te a mes­sa­ge with your dance expe­ri­ence and your ques­ti­ons so that we can find the right trai­ning for you.

Free test now! Come over:

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