In Bücke­burg on 30.06.2024 the Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ships Solo took place as part of the Cou­pe du Prin­ce. The Ger­man Dance Orga­ni­sa­ti­on pre­pared the hall of the Bücke­burg Town Hall appro­pria­te. All dancers had ple­nty of space on the lar­ge dance floor.

For the cham­pi­on­ship tra­ve­led 14 dancers from all over the nati­on with the aim of win­ning the title. This was also done by our Young dancer Aly­ia Lem­keShe trai­ned dili­gent­ly for this day and lear­ned the cho­reo­gra­phies. She pre­sen­ted them over seve­ral laps and bea­med in her white dress.

Aly­ia con­vin­ced and was able to achie­ve an excel­lent 9th place.

We are very hap­py about this suc­cess and wish you con­tin­ued suc­cess in the upco­ming tournaments.

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