30th club anni­ver­sa­ry in Helenecamp

The anti­ci­pa­ti­on for our club’s bir­th­day on April 20, 2024 is incre­asing every day, and we can hard­ly wait to cele­bra­te this spe­cial day with you. 

  • April 20, 2024, admis­si­on 6:00 p.m., start 6:30 p.m
  • Hele­n­e­Camp, Am Hele­ne­see 1A, 15236 Frank­furt (Oder)
  • 100 m² dance floor
  • Deli­cious catering
  • Breath­ta­king shows


The Hele­n­e­Camp on Lake Hele­ne offers the per­fect loca­ti­on for events and fes­ti­vals in the regi­on. Last year we cele­bra­ted our club bir­th­day with you in Helenecamp. 

Event hall

The event hall in the Kul­tur­scheu­ne is par­ti­cu­lar­ly spa­cious and offers us enough space to dance, laugh, tell sto­ries and enjoy shows. 


In addi­ti­on to dancing, phy­si­cal well-being should not be negle­c­ted. The sel­ec­tion of dis­hes for the buf­fet can be seen below. 


Expe­ri­ence per­for­man­ces by our dance cou­ples. In addi­ti­on to our young dancers, our child­ren and young peo­p­le as well as other dancers can be seen.
The­re will also be ano­ther high­light that will be announ­ced soon. Let yours­elf be surprised!



Table space
Free choice of seats at tables of 8 




Sal­mon car­pac­cio with lime sau­ce
Honey­dew melon with ham
Rich salad buf­fet with
dif­fe­rent dres­sings
mixed bread and butter

Main cour­ses

Pork medal­li­ons with herb crust and jus

Zan­der on cucum­ber mus­tard vegetables

Rose­ma­ry Pota­toes
Sea­so­nal vegetables


Sel­ec­tion of cheese with but­ter and gra­pes
Pan­na cot­ta with raspber­ry pulp
Fruit salad made from fresh fruits

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