Star­ted on Janu­ary 7th, 2024 Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se into the new dance-fil­led year. Here they took part 32. Hans Chris­ten Memo­ri­al Cup of the Sal­ta­tio Club Ham­burg eV. With a total of ele­ven tour­na­ments, the event offe­red many start­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for the mas­ter pairs.

The Dancing cou­ple Krau­se star­ted twice. First they joi­n­ed the Mas­ters III C Stan­dard at. Here they could 6th place to reach. Heinz and Car­la-Maria com­ple­ted the tour­na­ment day with 2nd place both Mas­ters IV C Stan­dard.

We warm­ly con­gra­tu­la­te you on the­se successes!

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