The Blue Rib­bon of the Spree is a major annu­al dance sport event with a long tra­di­ti­on. It takes place every year with many tour­na­ments on the Eas­ter weekend. This year the event con­sis­ted of two sub-events: the natio­nal (open) tour­na­ments in the Sie­mens­stadt Sports Cen­ter at Eas­ter and inter­na­tio­nal WDSF world ran­king tour­na­ments under the new title Ber­lin Dance Festival. 

Cou­ples from our dance sports club were also repre­sen­ted at the natio­nal tour­na­ments: Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk as well as Georg Win­zer and Anke Schnei­der star­ted on Satur­day, April 16th, 2022, in the seni­or I and II C standard. 

In the Seni­or IC age group, both cou­ples were able to achie­ve a shared 8th/9th place. Place of 9 cou­ples dancing. In the Seni­ors II C age group, Ste­fan and Anna danced their way to a fan­ta­stic 3rd place, and thus onto the podi­um, out of 7 cou­ples. Georg and Anne also rea­ched the final and took 5th place in the same competition. 

Pho­to: AR Photography 

We are plea­sed that tour­na­ment cou­ples were repre­sen­ted on the Blue Rib­bon of the Spree again this year and look for­ward to see­ing you again next year. 

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to our dance cou­ples and hap­py training. 



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