Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust took part in the “The Bal­tic Sea is dancing!” tour­na­ment in Holm on the weekend from August 26th, 2022 to August 28th, 2022. 

The two star­ted on Fri­day with the Seni­ors III C. The­re they achie­ved 7th place out of 17 pairs. A gre­at result after a long sum­mer break from tour­na­ments and training. 

On Satur­day they star­ted the tour­na­ment with a bet­ter fee­ling and were able to imme­dia­te­ly repeat their pre­vious per­for­mance. They achie­ved 4th place out of 16 cou­ples in the Seni­ors III C and 4th place out of 11 cou­ples in the Seni­ors II C.

On Sun­day they con­cluded the tour­na­ment weekend in the final with 7th place out of 13 pairs.

We con­gra­tu­la­te our dance cou­ple on the­se gre­at suc­ces­ses and wish them a lot of fun with their fur­ther training. 


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