The Ger­man Dance Sports Asso­cia­ti­on awards the Ger­man Dance Sports Badge for dance per­for­mance. Last weekend 13 child­ren and 17 adults danced for this badge. Unli­ke usu­al, the accep­tance test was car­ri­ed out in our club room and it was a very cozy and fami­li­ar atmosphere. 

The badge is award­ed in:

Bron­zeafter the first suc­cessful acceptance
Sil­verto the hol­der of the bron­ze badge after ano­ther suc­cessful acceptance
goldto the hol­der of the sil­ver badge after ano­ther suc­cessful acceptance
Bril­li­antto the hol­der of the badge in gold after ano­ther suc­cessful acceptance
Gold/brilliant with numberafter 5, 10, 15, 20, … decreases
Source: (acces­sed on: March 22, 2022, 3:24 p.m.)

The dancers were able to choo­se their favo­ri­te dances from a varie­ty of dances. For the bron­ze badge, three dances must be per­for­med. The sil­ver badge is award­ed for 4 dances, the gold badge for 5 dances and for the bril­li­ant badge 6 dances must be danced. 

In addi­ti­on to the­se bad­ges, the so-cal­led Dancing star­lets be obtai­ned. This badge is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for child­ren up to 8 years old. Only 2 dances have to be shown for the litt­le dancing star and 3 dances for the big dancing star. 

After all the dancers had arri­ved in the rooms and asked for their favo­ri­te dances, they could dance in. After the dancing, the dances were accept­ed. Two or three cou­ples danced together. 

Ute Golz and Mar­tin Lutz per­for­med the dances and assessed: 

  • music (beat, rhythm, musicality),
  • Balan­ces (sta­tic, dyna­mic balan­ce, lea­der­ship in cou­ple dancing) and 
  • Move­ment sequen­ces (in space, in the cour­se of the ener­gy unit, of a move­ment element).

A dance was “pas­sed” if the music cate­go­ry was asses­sed with a cross and at least one fur­ther cross was award­ed in the two remai­ning cate­go­ries (balan­ces and move­ment sequences).

All par­ti­ci­pan­ts pas­sed their sel­ec­ted dances and thus suc­cessful­ly achie­ved their desi­red badge. 

We are hap­py for all the dancers and would like to thank Ute Golz and Mar­tin Lutz for the per­for­mance and Ste­fan Schulz for the music. 



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