The TSA Green-Gold SV Ebers­wal­de grass­roots sports tour­na­ment in Janu­ary has been a fixed date for many years in the tour­na­ment calen­dar for cou­ples who want to try their hand at a grass­roots sports tour­na­ment bet­ween hob­by dancing and hard com­pe­ti­ti­ve dance sport. For many cou­ples of the 1st TSC-FFO, their tour­na­ment care­ers began the­re. This year, howe­ver, the­re were quite a few cou­ples from our club at the start, from the youn­gest star­ters to four adult couples.

The cou­ples achie­ved the fol­lo­wing final round results: In the “Bam­bi­nos Standard+Latin” Mar­cel Wro­nie­wicz and Leni Glat­zel came in 3rd place, Nico­las Köthur and Lil­ly Sue Lutz came in 2nd place and Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens won the tour­na­ment in the youn­gest age group. In the fol­lo­wing age group AK-I-Std. Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens came in 4th place out of over 12 cou­ples. In AK-I-Latin 2 of our cou­ples rea­ched the final round: Nico­las Köthur and Lil­ly Sue Lutz in 7th place fol­lo­wed by Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi and Eve­li­na Thaens in 5th place.

Among the adults, the­re were 4 pairs at the start from the 1st TSC-FFO, 2 each in the AK-IV and AK‑V. Falk Körn­dör­fer and Yulia Gra­bow­ski took second place in Stan­dard and Latin in the AK-IV and their club mates Georg Win­zer and Edda Tuch­schee­rer-Ehr­hardt even took first place. For Falk Körn­dör­fer and Yulia Gra­bow­ski it was the first dance tour­na­ment ever.

In the fol­lo­wing age group AK‑V, Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust achie­ved second place in stan­dard and third place in Latin, while Tho­ralf and Anja Böli­cke took the top podi­um place in both disci­pli­nes. It was also their tour­na­ment debut for the­se two couples.

The 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder was repre­sen­ted in lar­ge num­bers and the results speak for them­sel­ves. We con­gra­tu­la­te the cou­ples and say thank you very much to the cou­ples and par­ents of the children!



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