The world’s lar­gest dance tour­na­ment, the Ger­man Open Cham­pi­on­ships, took place in Stutt­gart from August 8th, 2023 to August 12th, 2023. The enti­re dance eli­te gathers here every year. Over the 5 days, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal tour­na­ments will be held in three halls at the Stutt­gart trade fair. The disci­pli­nes of solo dance, boo­gie-woo­gie and brea­king are also represented.

Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka, from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder, also tra­ve­led to the GOC. On August 11th, 2023 they took part in the Seni­or II Stan­dard Rising Stars tour­na­ment. The start­ing field con­sis­ted of 59 cou­ples who came from Ita­ly, Aus­tria, the USA, France and Lithua­nia, among others. Due to this lar­ge num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts, the tour­na­ment stret­ched over 4 preli­mi­na­ry rounds and the final. The dancing took place in the Beet­ho­ven Hall and the Old Riding Hall. Mar­tin and Katar­zy­na danced their way to the final round after round until they final­ly rea­ched it. After ano­ther 5 dances in the final, they were able to pre­vail against the com­pe­ti­ti­on and achie­ved 1st place.

Award cerem­o­ny at the GOC 2023

We con­gra­tu­la­te you on this excel­lent achie­ve­ment and wish you con­tin­ued success.

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