World ran­king tour­na­ments for Lutz and Rybinska 

The weekend star­ted on Satur­day for Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Karo­li­na Rybins­ka with their first world ran­king tour­na­ments together. 

At the Saxo­ni­an Dance Clas­sics in Cos­wig, the two danced their way into the semi­fi­nals twice in the Seni­or I cate­go­ry. In Stan­dard they took 11th place out of 27 pairs, making them the fourth best Ger­man pair. In Latin they nar­row­ly missed the final and came 7th out of 15 pairs. Here they were even the third best Ger­man couple. 

The event could be fol­lo­wed via a live stream. Many mem­bers of the club were exci­ted and kept their fin­gers crossed. 

Joint Sta­te Latin Championships 

Anna Lunk and Ste­fan Scholz were also suc­cessful this weekend. At the sta­te Latin cham­pi­on­ships they were able to win the run­ner-up sta­te title in the Seni­or II B Latin and their first tour­na­ment in this class. 

Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Karo­li­na Rybins­ka also danced at the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ships. In the Seni­or IS Latin, after your suc­cess on Satur­day at the world ran­king tour­na­ments, you won the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title on Sunday. 

Regens­burg Dance Sports Days 

Ano­ther cou­ple danced extre­me­ly suc­cessful­ly this weekend. At the Regens­burg Dance Sports Days, Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel came third and fourth in the Seni­or III B Standard. 

We con­gra­tu­la­te you on the­se fan­ta­stic results and wish you all the best for the future!



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