Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka and Mar­tin Lutz repre­sen­ted our club very suc­cessful­ly at the weekend Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ships over 10 dances (com­bi­na­ti­on) in Kamen. They star­ted in the com­bi­na­ti­on of the seni­or S I class.

Mar­tin sent out the link for the live stream and as you could see from the comm­ents on social media, many of our club mem­bers were kee­ping their fin­gers crossed for Katar­zy­na and Mar­tin. First the five stan­dard dances were requi­red and after a short break the Latin dances were per­for­med. Ever­yo­ne was hap­py when it was announ­ced around 6 p.m. that the two had rea­ched the final and were allo­wed to com­pe­te for the championship.

The big fina­le was in the evening. Here the Latin dances had to be per­for­med first and then the stan­dard dances. Katar­zy­na and Mar­tin demons­tra­ted fit­ness, desi­re and pas­si­on and were able to repeat the class from the after­noon. In the end it was 3rd place at the Ger­man Com­bi­ned Championships!

We, the board and the enti­re club, warm­ly con­gra­tu­la­te you on this gre­at achie­ve­ment and wish you lots of joy and suc­cess in dancing!



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