We want to help too! Ever­yo­ne can do something!

Jac­que­line Eckardt, vol­un­teer children’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for the city of Frank­furt Oder, and dancer in our club, spo­ke about the Orchi­cken star­ted a fund­rai­sing campaign: 

Dear Frank­fur­ters,

Sure­ly you all fol­low the news and know that refu­gees from Ukrai­ne will also be coming to Frank­furt (Oder) in the coming days, inclu­ding fami­lies with child­ren and young people.

Pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for the smooth recep­ti­on are alre­a­dy in full swing, but it is and remains a bureau­cra­tic act. The peo­p­le affec­ted have their ner­ves on edge, they are going through the worst thing we can ima­gi­ne: fear for fami­ly mem­bers and fri­ends left behind, worries about the future all in one uncer­tain situa­ti­on, the con­se­quen­ces of which can­not yet be fore­seen. – And in the midd­le of it all, child­ren of dif­fe­rent ages with their fears in a for­eign country. 

That’s why it’s important to me to give the affec­ted child­ren a per­so­nal gree­ting and a small gift. 

is plan­ned a small bag, fil­led with:

  • age-appro­pria­te tooth­brush + toothpaste
  • show­er room
  • a small cuddly toy (a new one for hygie­ne reasons)
  • a can­dy
  • a playful, age-appro­pria­te dis­trac­tion (pic­tu­re book, card game, etc.)
  • Pens + colo­ring book

Howe­ver, I now depend on your sup­port: the finan­cing can be pro­vi­ded with a dona­ti­on, whe­ther small or large.

Don’t want to dona­te money? This is com­ple­te­ly right. I would also be hap­py to recei­ve a colo­ring book or a tra­vel game that can be pas­sed on.

Let’s show as a city that the Frank­furt Children’s Char­ter appli­es to all child­ren and fill it with life.

We would like to thank Jac­que­line Eckardt

Bank details:
Reci­pi­ent: Arle
IBAN: DE 721 20 300000000 507020
Account 507 020
Deut­sche Kre­dit­bank AG
Bank code 120 300 00
Pur­po­se of dona­ti­on: Wel­co­me children 

Drop-off point for colo­ring books & games:
Joint wel­fa­re asso­cia­ti­on
Ober­kirch­platz 2
15230 Frank­furt (Oder)



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