We are par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the pro­gram “Cat­ching up after Coro­na – child­ren on the move„.

The aim of this pro­gram is to give pri­ma­ry school child­ren the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do sports in a group and in this way to com­pen­sa­te for the absen­ces in school and club acti­vi­ties. In this way, child­ren in par­ti­cu­lar who often feel excluded in phy­si­cal edu­ca­ti­on les­sons or think that they can’t keep up are given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find exer­cise again and to deve­lop fun in exercise. 

For this pur­po­se, tan­dems from the club and school (sports tea­chers and club trai­ners) are for­med to joint­ly offer extra­cur­ri­cu­lar sports and exer­cise activities. 

Tog­e­ther with the “Mül­ro­se Ele­men­ta­ry and Secon­da­ry School”, Ute Golz, our club’s long-time trai­ner, has alre­a­dy crea­ted an extra­cur­ri­cu­lar exer­cise program. 

The “Erich Käst­ner School” will also crea­te ano­ther offe­ring with our long-time trai­ners Mar­tin Lutz and Marek Rokita. 

We are hap­py and gra­teful for the com­mit­ment of our trainers!



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