On Sep­tem­ber 2nd, 2023, the 1st TSC Frank­furt Oder held the joint Berlin/Brandenburg sta­te cham­pi­on­ship in stan­dard dances. Over­all found 15 tour­na­ments took place in the Sabi­nus Hall. Took it 43 cou­ples from child­ren to Mas­ter IV part. 20 cou­ples tra­ve­led from Ber­lin. Bran­den­burg was repre­sen­ted by 23 couples. 

Among the Bran­den­burg cou­ples were the tour­na­ment dancers from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder. 

Jona­than Lan­ge and Daliah Guen­ther star­ted with the Juni­or ID and Juni­or II D. In both tour­na­ments they were able to win 3rd place dance.

With ano­ther dou­ble start at the Juni­ors II C and Youth C went Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz to the start. They achie­ved this in both age groups Natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship title. At the same time the two are in the Pro­mo­ted to B class.

For Fabri­ce Ren­né and Chan­tal Cha­t­a­low it was also the case with them Juni­ors II C and Youth C on the dance flo­or. They ended their tour­na­ment day with one 3rd place in the Juni­ors II C and 4th place in the Youth C. Fabri­ce and Chan­tal also got in the B class.

After the children’s, juni­or and youth tour­na­ments, the dance flo­or was free for the Mas­ters. At the tour­na­ment Mas­ters I and II D took Tho­ralf and Anja Böli­cke as well as Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né part. Left in both tour­na­ments Tho­ralf and Anja the dance flo­or as Natio­nal cham­pi­on. Ste­fan and Yvonne beca­me run­ners-up at the Mas­ters ID. Both Mas­ters II D they occu­p­ied it 3rd place.

Two more cou­ples, Georg Win­zer and Anke Schnei­der and Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker, com­ple­ted a dou­ble start at the Mas­ters IC and Mas­ters II C. Geor­ge and Anke won each other in both tour­na­ments Run­ner-up title. With two third places clo­sed Falk and Chris­ti­ne away.

Both Mas­ters III D we were from Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se repre­sent. You could see it Run­ner-up title dance.

We con­gra­tu­la­te all cou­ples on the­se out­stan­ding achievements!

We would also like to thank the many hel­pful mem­bers of the 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder, wit­hout whom the tour­na­ment would not have been possible.

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