In kee­ping with the dance into May, the group took place last weekend Sta­te cham­pi­on­ships of the LTV Ber­lin and Bran­den­burg Latin for B and A clas­ses ins­tead of. The orga­ni­zer and orga­ni­zer was the OTK Schwarz-Weiß 1922 in the SC Sie­mens­stadt in Berlin. 

Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk star­ted for our club Sun­day, May 1, 2022, in the joint seni­or II/III B Latin tour­na­ment. A total of 7 cou­ples star­ted in this tour­na­ment. The two were able to con­vin­ce in all dances and danced their way to 3rd place con­fi­dent­ly and well ahead of the fol­lo­wing cou­ples. 1st place went to ano­ther cou­ple from Bran­den­burg, 2nd place in the tour­na­ment went to a cou­ple from Ber­lin. For Ste­fan and Anna, this meant that they came third in the over­all tour­na­ment, but at the same time they also beca­me run­ner-up in their class in Brandenburg. 

We con­gra­tu­la­te you on this fan­ta­stic result and on your run­ner-up title!

At the Satur­day, April 30, 2022, a day befo­re, they found Children’s Latin Cham­pi­on­ships, Juni­ors and youth in the D and C clas­ses ins­tead of. 

Seve­ral cou­ples from our club also took part in this tour­na­ment: Lil­ly Sue Lutz and Lukas Sta­pel­moor as well as Eve­li­na Thaens and Mak­sym Droz­dovs­kyi danced in the Juni­or I and II D clas­ses, Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low and Fabri­ce Ren­né danced in the Juni­or II D and Youth D clas­ses and Nel­ly and Niko Sei­fert took part in the Juni­or II C and Youth C tournament. 

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, luck was­n’t on our dancing couple’s side that day. The child­ren had pre­pared for this natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship for a long time, but had to learn that in tour­na­ments the focus should be on fun and the pla­cin­gs are secon­da­ry. Niko and Nel­ly were able to lea­ve a cou­ple behind in the Juni­or II C Latin and rea­ched 6th place in the final of the Youth C. Chan­tal and Fabri­ce were also able to take 6th place in the final of the Youth D Latin. 

We wish our children’s cou­ples much suc­cess at the next tour­na­ment and hope that they had a lot of fun on the dance flo­or despi­te ever­y­thing. Win­ning isn’t everything. 



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