As every year, the Janu­ary tour­na­ments took place in the Schwarz-Sil­ber Hal­le dance club on the last weekend in January. 

Lilly und Lukas, 3. Platz, Jun I D Standard

Two cou­ples were repre­sen­ted the­re. Lil­ly Sue Lutz and Lukas Sta­pel­moor danced onto the podi­um in the Jun ID Stan­dard and achie­ved 3rd place. In Latin you even won the tour­na­ment in the same class. 

Lisa Bork and Mar­co Küh­ne were also repre­sen­ted in Hal­le. They danced to 8th place out of 9 cou­ples in the HGR D Stan­dard and were able to coll­ect important tips for fur­ther training. 

We con­gra­tu­la­te the cou­ples and wish you a lot of fun dancing. 



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