The licen­se acquisition/maintenance trai­ning for tour­na­ment directors/assessors of the LTV Bran­den­burg took place in Pots­dam on two weekends in Febru­ary. The cour­se ran dai­ly from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and was led by the Thu­rin­gi­an sta­te sports direc­tor Chris­ti­an Simon.

Among other things, it was taught how to make appro­pria­te decis­i­ons regar­ding the dress code, the awar­ding of points and pla­ce­ments or the round draw, accor­ding to the TSO. Fur­ther­mo­re, mode­ra­ti­on is also an important task in order to imple­ment a tour­na­ment in the spi­rit of sport­ing fairness.

In order to mas­ter the­se and other tasks, 17 can­di­da­tes took part in the trai­ning. Inclu­ding Danie­la Rische, Ste­fan Böh­me and Falk Korn­dör­fer. After suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ting the very deman­ding test at the end of the second weekend, all three recei­ved their licen­se to beco­me tour­na­ment directors.

The board con­gra­tu­la­tes the par­ti­ci­pan­ts on pas­sing the exam and wis­hes them much suc­cess for all future tournaments

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