On Sun­day, March 17, 2019, the cen­tral accep­tance of the dances to acqui­re the Ger­man Dance Sports Badge and, for our youn­gest, the Dance Star took place in the See­ter­ras­se Gül­den­dorf. In addi­ti­on to pro­of of mas­tery of a cer­tain num­ber (4–10) figu­res in 3–6 dances, it is also about the eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria to be used in tour­na­ment sports: rhythm and musi­cal­i­ty, balan­ce and move­ment sequences.

For many, howe­ver, it was about con­trol­ling their own ner­vous­ness when “dancing in front of an audi­ence”. Dancers of every age group were repre­sen­ted at the cen­tral accep­tance cerem­o­ny, which pro­vi­ded an insight into the diver­si­ty in the club.

A total of 38 bad­ges were acqui­red: 5 litt­le dancing stars, 22 x bron­ze, 1 x sil­ver, 1 x gold, 3 x gold with num­ber 5, 2 x gold with num­ber 10 and 2 cou­ples dared and even achie­ved the bril­li­ant badge with 10 each Figu­res over 6 dances.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all the dancers and thanks to our cus­to­mer – Mar­tin Lutz, the par­ents of our youn­gest and the organizers!



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