Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust were very suc­cessful on the dance flo­or at the Lin­den­hof Cup on Novem­ber 27th, 2021! 

Just a few weeks ago they were pro­mo­ted from the seni­or III D stan­dard to the C class at the sta­te championships. 

Now they have alre­a­dy won the Lin­den­hof Cup, their second tour­na­ment in the seni­or III C class. Sin­ce the win­ning cou­ple in the hig­her start­ing class is also entit­led to dance, they also star­ted in Seni­or III B that day. The­re they even danced their way to fourth place. 

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons go out to Tors­ten and Sophie on this suc­cessful tournament!



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