Ger­man cham­pi­on­ship over 10 dances (com­bi­na­ti­on) seni­ors, March 30, 2019, Norderstedt

Our excep­tio­nal dance cou­ple, Mar­tin Lutz and Sabi­ne Meu­sel, have rea­ched the final of the Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ships over 10 dances for 5 years; This year they took 6th place in Norderstedt.

Fon­ta­ne­po­kal Kids, Youth, main group 2019, April 14, 2019, Neuruppin

Niko Sei­fert and Melina Gorobt­schuk achie­ved 1st place in the children’s D stan­dard class and 2nd place in the “big ones” in the juni­or ID stan­dard class.

Blue Rib­bon of the Spree, 19th-22nd. April 2019, Berlin

The “Ber­lin dance carou­sel around the Blue Rib­bon of the Spree“ belongs next to it Hes­se dances, the dance­Comp Wup­per­tal  as well as the GOC (Ger­man Open Cham­pion­chip) to the major Ger­man tour­na­ments with broad natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on; So it’s a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for our cou­ples to compa­re them­sel­ves across the region.

The 1. TSC Frank­furt (Oder) was repre­sen­ted by seve­ral pairs this year. As teen­agers, Jason Pie­renz and Josie Brandt achie­ved a respec­ta­ble mid­field posi­ti­on in the adult class Main Group B Stan­dard. Mar­tin Lutz and Sabi­ne Meu­sel were also able to place among the top one hundred pairs in the World Stan­dard Cham­pi­on­ship with around 200 par­ti­ci­pan­ts from 27 nati­ons. Georg Win­zer and Edda Tuch­schee­rer-Ehr­hardt achie­ved 3rd place in the Seni­ors ID Latin and, like Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk in the Seni­ors II C Latin, not only recei­ved a podi­um place with third place but also the famous Ber­lin White Cups . Rico Dietzsch and Liset Fischer each won 2 tro­phies in the seni­or IB Latin class with 1st place on Fri­day and 2nd place on Saturday!



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