Last year, the Frank­furt Oder City Sports Asso­cia­ti­on, under the direc­tion of Fre­de­ric-Marc Jür­gen­sen, car­ri­ed out the basic ins­truc­tor C cour­se. Three mem­bers of the 1st TSC Frank­furt Oder, Lisa-Marie Rische, Ramo­na Vogel and Dirk Vogel, took part in the very exten­si­ve training.

The cour­se las­ted the enti­re year with a total of three major modu­les. The­se included the con­tent: design of lear­ning and trai­ning pro­ces­ses, lea­der­ship and sup­port of sports groups and age-spe­ci­fic fit­ness and forms of exercise.

Lisa-Marie Rische (2nd row, fourth from right), Ramo­na Vogel (1st row, second from right), Dirk Vogel (1st row, third from right)

In order to acqui­re the licen­se, in addi­ti­on to taking part in the modu­les, a mul­ti-page term paper had to be com­ple­ted and a prac­ti­cal exam, e.g. B. the orga­niza­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of a children’s sports fes­ti­val. All three suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the test.

The board is very plea­sed about this, as good trai­ning can only be pos­si­ble with qua­li­fied ins­truc­tors and trai­ners. At the same time, trai­ning ope­ra­ti­ons can con­ti­nue to be secured.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to the new trai­ners and have fun training!!!

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