On the weekend, from April 1st to April 2nd, 2023, the Ber­lin Fes­ti­val 2023 took place in Berlin’s Max-Schme­ling-Hal­le. Within this frame­work, 13 WDSF world ran­king tour­na­ments from juni­ors to seni­ors were held, divi­ded into two halls. In addi­ti­on, two world cham­pi­on­ships were held.

Mar­tin Lutz/Katarzyna Rybins­ka repre­sen­ted the 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder on the inter­na­tio­nal stage this weekend. The two went to the World Cham­pi­on­ship over 10 dances of the Mas­ters II S and at the WDSF world ran­king tour­na­ment Stan­dard of the Mas­ters II S to the start. 

The inter­na­tio­nal stage was gene­rous­ly occu­p­ied. In addi­ti­on to the Ger­man cou­ples, cou­ples from Spain, Bel­gi­um, Fin­land, Eng­land, Japan and other count­ries also traveled. 

At their two tour­na­ments, Lutz/Rybinska had to assert them­sel­ves against this com­pe­ti­ti­on in order to con­vin­ce the new jud­ging panel. Over­all, the two achie­ved a strong one 18th place out of 50 pairs at the World Cham­pi­on­ships

The world ran­king tour­na­ment, with 93 pairs, was almost twice as strong as the world cham­pi­on­ship. Here too, Mar­tin and Katar­zy­na were able to pre­vail and achie­ved an excel­lent dance 17th place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te them both on the­se gre­at results and are proud that our club is also repre­sen­ted on the inter­na­tio­nal stage.

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