On April 15, 1994, the 1st Dance Sports Club Frank­furt (Oder) was foun­ded. The club is com­mit­ted to pro­mo­ting com­pe­ti­ti­ve dance and hob­by dance in Frank­furt (Oder). On April 6th, 2019 we cele­bra­ted our club’s 25th bir­th­day in the Euro­camp rooms with an exhi­la­ra­ting dance night. We cele­bra­ted with our mem­bers, their par­ents and fri­ends. The guests of honor were Dr. Gud­run Frey, Pre­si­dent of the City Sports Asso­cia­ti­on and Mar­lis Kram­ski, Pre­si­dent of the LTV on the Euro­camp and brought the war­mest con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons. Our com­pe­ti­ti­on dancers star­ted with a march and then show­ed off their dancing skills with a waltz. Our ama­teur ath­le­tes also per­for­med won­derful per­for­man­ces. To top it all off, the­re was a deli­cious bir­th­day cake with our club logo. The board would like to thank the many hel­pers and sup­port­ers, as well as ever­yo­ne who took part in the evening.



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