At the On Febru­ary 28th, 2024 our club room was trans­for­med into the venue for the 35th Talk in the Kiez. The inter­view with our long-time trai­ner and suc­cessful dancer took place with a red car­pet and num­e­rous spec­ta­tors Mar­tin Lutz ins­tead of.

In con­ver­sa­ti­on with Uwe Köp­pen he told me about his begin­nings, fun­ny anec­do­tes and his cur­rent suc­ces­ses

The talk was sup­port­ed by our youth cou­ples, which Mar­tin trains weekly. Mak­sym Drozdovskyi/Evelina Thaens, Lukas Stapelmoor/Lilly Sue Lutz/Fabrice Ren­né and Chan­tal Scha­t­a­low show­ed some excerp­ts from their Latin programs. 

The con­ver­sa­ti­on also enri­ched our suc­cessful and oldest com­pe­ti­ti­on dance cou­ple Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se

Over­all, this talk was very enter­tai­ning and inte­res­t­ing. We would like to thank Uwe Köp­pen and his team.

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