The first 5 of our mas­ter cou­ples use the March weekendto coll­ect ple­nty of points and ran­kings. In The 16th Saxon Seni­ors’ Weekend took place in Mei­ßen ins­tead of. Tour­na­ments of all mas­ter clas­ses and per­for­mance clas­ses were held on 3 are­as. In start­ing fields of up to almost 30 pairs could wear lots of spar­k­ling dres­ses and dancing Stan­dard and Latin be admired.

The first things that star­ted on March 2nd, 2024 were: Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker into the tour­na­ment Mas­ters IC stan­dard. They pre­vai­led and won 2nd place. The tour­na­ment fol­lo­wed for both of them Mas­ters II C Stan­dard. The­re they danced for one ano­ther 5th place out of 14 cou­ples.

As ano­ther Frank­furt cou­ple went Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né both Mas­ters II D Stan­dard to the start. This was at the same time Sta­te Cham­pi­on­ship of Saxon Pairs. They clo­sed the tour­na­ment with one 6th place out of 14 away.

Also Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se dro­ve to Meis­sen. First they danced at the Mas­ters IV C Stan­dard, whe­re she took 1st place achie­ved. After­wards they took as Tour­na­ment win­ner at the tour­na­ment Mas­ters IV B Stan­dard part. The­re they could 5th place to back up.

The Frank­furt par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on was com­ple­ted by Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel. The two had to each other against 26 cou­ples at the Mas­ters III B default cla­im. They rea­ched the­re 15th place.

On Sun­day we con­tin­ued wit­hout a long break. 

Stan­ding again Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker at the Mas­ters IC Latin on the sur­face. Here they occu­p­ied it 5th place.

Also Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né were back in the game. In a field of 13 pairs They had to assert them­sel­ves and secu­red it 4th Place with the Mas­ters ID stan­dard.

In addi­ti­on, took part on Sun­day also Georg Win­zer and Anke Schnei­der part. They com­ple­ted one Dou­ble start at the Mas­ters I and II C Stan­dard. Both Mas­ters IC they danced one 6th place. The Mas­ters II C they con­cluded with one 5th place out of 19 cou­ples away. They also pre­sen­ted their Latin Ame­ri­can dances at the Mas­ters II B Latin and took 7th place out of a total of 17 couples.

We con­gra­tu­la­te all cou­ples on the­se successes!

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