At the March 16, 2024 was jud­ged by the Ahorn Club Ber­lin the annu­al Stef­fi Wer­ner Cup out of. They pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves in the organizer’s club­house Pairs of the main groups and mas­ter classes. 

Our mas­ter cou­ples also got some points and placements.

With Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né the first Frank­furt cou­ple star­ted. First they ente­red the stalls at the Mas­ters ID stan­dard and docu­men­ted it 1st place. The tour­na­ment fol­lo­wed Mas­ters II D Stan­dard and here too they were at the end at the top of the podi­um.

Also took Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker part. They star­ted with the Mas­ters IC stan­dard. The two danced the­re 2nd place. Also with the Mas­ters II C Falk and Chris­ti­ne star­ted. Here they rea­ched the 1st place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te the two cou­ples on their success!

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