The dance cou­ples of the child­ren, juni­ors and youth D/C went to Ber­lin-Tem­pel­hof on Janu­ary 25th, 2025. There […]
The first DTV ran­king tour­na­ments of the year for spe­cial clas­ses took place in Pin­ne­berg. Over two days, from Janu­ary 18th […]
Last year, the East Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ship cele­bra­ted its pre­mie­re. The idea was to merge […]
Our dance cou­ples have just finis­hed their well-deser­ved Christ­mas break and now they are back […]
The Advent sea­son was ushe­red in with dance in the Lin­den­hof Hall of the Tanz­Tur­nier­Club Carat Ber­lin eV. This is whe­re the club […]
When the TC Schwarz-Rot-Neu­rup­pin eV sets up its boards in the sports hall of the Karl-Lieb­knecht-School, it is again […]
The city on the Elbe invi­ted the inter­na­tio­nal dance sce­ne to the ICC Mari­tim Hotel in Dresden […]
This year, our mas­ter cou­ples were drawn to the coast again. In Ros­tock, from […]
The 29th Polish Open Cham­pi­on­ships were held in Elb­lag from Octo­ber 18 to Octo­ber 20, 2024. […]
On Octo­ber 6, 2024, the Mas­ters ran­king tour­na­ment took place as part of the Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ships in stan­dard dances […]
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