At the The annu­al Fon­ta­ne Cup Kids, Youth & Main Group took place on 20.04.2024, of TC Schwarz-Rot-Neu­rup­pin On the lar­ge dance flo­or in the midd­le of the sports hall of the Karl Lieb­knecht School, cou­ples of various age groups pre­sen­ted themselves.

Our The youn­gest took part in a total of three tour­na­ments in Stan­dard and Latin.

First, Samu Kirsch­ke / Kar­lot­ta Her­mann and Nick­las Kauf­mann / Nele Will­born both Child­ren D Stan­dard. Here we rea­ched Nick­las and Nele 2nd place and Samu and Kar­lot­ta took 3rd place.

Both cou­ples then went to the Juni­or ID stan­dard onto the dance flo­or. Nick­las and Nele took 3rd place and Samu and Kar­lot­ta took 4th place.

After a litt­le break to chan­ge and catch your breath, the Latin tour­na­ments began.

Both Child­ren D Latin danced each other Nick­las and Nele took 5th place and Samu and Kar­lot­ta took 6th place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te both pairs on their results and wish them much suc­cess in the upco­ming tour­na­ments!

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