The Youth Dance Con­test took place in Ber­lin for the 16th time ins­tead of. The Red Gold Ber­lin eV trans­for­med the Gre­tel Berg­mann sports hall from March 16th to 17th, 2024 the venue for many tour­na­ments. In addi­ti­on to the popu­lar sports tour­na­ments and open tour­na­ments in stan­dard and Latin, tour­na­ments in hip-hop, street and video clip dancing could also be admired.

They made our club youn­gest cou­ples on the wayin order to suc­cessful­ly par­ti­ci­pa­te on both days. 

Satur­day (March 16, 2024):

It star­ted Samu Kirsch­ke and Kar­lot­ta Her­mann in the AK I pair com­pe­ti­ti­on. Both impres­sed with their dancing and won the tour­na­ment

Fol­lo­wed by Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Will­born at the AC II. The two also pre­vai­led and left as Win­ner from the flo­or.

In addi­ti­on to the pair com­pe­ti­ti­ons, our litt­le ones also pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves in the Solo com­pe­ti­ti­on. This is how it danced Kar­lot­ta Her­mann took 4th place in the AK I. Fur­ther­mo­re gra­dua­ted Aylia Lem­ke won the AK II tour­na­ment with a 5th place. Fol­lo­wed by Nele Will­born (7th place), Nick­las Kauf­mann (9th place) and Samu Kirsch­ke (13th place).

Sun­day (March 17, 2024):

A day later it went for Samu Kirschke/Karlotta Her­mann and Nick­las Kaufmann/Nele Will­born con­ti­nue direct­ly. Both cou­ples ente­red the par­quet in Popu­lar sports com­pe­ti­ti­on at AK I/II in stan­dard and then in Latin. In Stan­dard Nick­las and Nele took 1st place and in Latin 2nd place. Samu and Kar­lot­ta con­vin­ced in default also and danced their way to it 2nd place. In Latin The two then rea­ched 1st place.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all the dancers!

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