Am ers­ten Okto­ber­wo­chen­en­de (30.09.–02.10.2022) fand in Bad Blan­ken­burg das “Tur­nier am Saa­le­bo­gen” statt. Aus­ge­rich­tet wur­de die­ses sehr gut orga­ni­sier­te Tur­nier durch den 1. SSV Saalfeld. 

Went to this tour­na­ment Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust. For them it should last tour­na­ment in the C class will be: On Satur­day the two star­ted in the Seni­ors III C and finis­hed the­re with one 3rd place reward­ed by 13 cou­ples and in the Seni­ors II C with one 9th place of 16 pairs. During trai­ning they had pre­vious­ly chan­ged the figu­res in the slow waltz. Tors­ten was also a bit under the wea­ther. Nevert­hel­ess, they coll­ec­ted the last points for pro­mo­ti­on to the B class. 

Seni­ors III C Stan­dard
Tors­ten and Sophie Klaust
3rd place

After some con­side­ra­ti­on, the Vien­nese Waltz was not yet ful­ly trai­ned and the figu­res in the Slow Waltz were chan­ged, they deci­ded to start in the Seni­or III B. The first Tour­na­ment in B class so it was up. The­re they rea­ched the divi­ded start­ing field in a lar­ge field 13.–15. of 20 pairs. So they were able to lea­ve 5 cou­ples behind them in their first tournament. 

We wish Sophie and Tors­ten much suc­cess in the new start­ing class and con­gra­tu­la­te them on their promotion. 


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