The TSA Green Gold in SV Motor Ebers­wal­de eV held their annu­al event on Janu­ary 20, 2024 Popu­lar sports tour­na­ment for child­ren and adults out of. The cou­ples had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to float across the lar­ge dance flo­or of the club­house in the stan­dard and Latin dances. 

Same four pairs tra­ve­led to Ebers­wal­de to take part in seve­ral tournaments. 

They made the start Child­ren in solo tour­na­ment. Here they had to test their skills wit­hout a part­ner Slow waltz, tan­go, cha cha cha and rum­ba, pro­ve. The cou­ples mana­ged this very well. The Kar­lot­ta Her­mann took 1st place. With the Aylia Lem­ke took 2nd place and then Nele Will­born with a 3rd place. Also Nick­las Kauf­mann took part and took the 2nd place.

The child­ren con­tin­ued after­wards Cou­ples tour­na­ment. Here they danced Nick­las Kauf­mann and Nele Will­born took 1st place. Aylia Lem­ke and Kar­lot­ta Her­mann for­med ano­ther cou­ple. You could see it 2nd place to back up.

Also some of ours adult cou­ples took part in the tour­na­ment. Here too they initi­al­ly star­ted in Solo tour­na­ment and then in the pairs tour­na­ment

First they star­ted Adults aged 35 and over in the solo stan­dard tour­na­ment. Here you could Clau­dia Lem­ke took 2nd place dance and Hol­ger Wagen­blast took 3rd place. Both also took part Solo Latin tour­na­ment part. Rea­ched here Clau­dia took 1st place and Hol­ger took 2nd place.

At the end of the day they fol­lo­wed Pairs tour­na­ments in stan­dard and Latin. First found this Stan­dard tour­na­ment for adults aged 35 and over ins­tead of. Occu­p­ied here Thors­ten and Kry­sty­na Mül­ler took 1st place. Hol­ger Wagen­blast and Clau­dia Lem­ke secu­red it as a cou­ple 2nd place. fol­lo­wed them Marek Sie­vert and Anke Nie­schalk with a 3rd place.

In the Latin tour­na­ment danced each other Clau­dia and Hol­ger took 1st place. Thors­ten and Kry­sty­na ended the tour­na­ment day with one 2nd place.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to ever­yo­ne for the­se excel­lent results.

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