Five Ger­man cham­pi­on­ships were held in the town hall of Kamen at the weekend. Inclu­ding the Mas­ter II S com­bi­na­ti­on. The event was orga­ni­zed by the Dort­mund Dance Sports Club. A total of 14 cou­ples from all over Ger­ma­ny took part. Inclu­ding Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Rybinska.

For the two and the other cou­ples, the­re was a preli­mi­na­ry and inter­me­dia­te round in all 10 dances to qua­li­fy for the final. Lutz/Rybinska moved into the inter­me­dia­te round with all 70 pos­si­ble cros­ses. They were also con­vin­cing in this one and con­fi­dent­ly made it to the final. 

After dancing 20 dances, it was now time to con­vin­ce the 7 jud­ges with the last 10 dances. Over­all, Mar­tin and Katar­zy­na recei­ved 5th place in Stan­dard and 4th place in Latin. The two of them achie­ved a very strong 5th place.

The 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder is very proud of this result and con­gra­tu­la­tes both of them on their con­tin­ued success. 

Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka (left), Petra Mat­schul­lat (midd­le), Mar­tin Lutz (right)
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