The Tanz­treff Jülich wore the Ger­man Cham­pi­on­ship in Dis­co­fox The best dis­co foxers qua­li­fied for this over a year. They had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tra­vel from the north to the west and from the east to the south of Ger­ma­ny to the various regio­nal championships.

Of cour­se, they wan­ted to be crow­ned Ger­man cham­pi­ons on Novem­ber 23, 2024. 

The cham­pi­on­ship also included Mar­co and Lisa Küh­ne qua­li­fiedAfter num­e­rous hours of trai­ning, they wan­ted to make it to the top of the podi­um again that day. They were able to achie­ve three successes.

First they moved into the final of the adult S, with their Slow and Quick Dis­co­fox. The­re they rea­ched 5th place. They then con­vin­ced the jury with their free­style Litt­le Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf and were reward­ed with the run­ner-up title. To top it all off, the two were able to cele­bra­te the Gold­rag of the Adult S ran­king be happy.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons on this end to the season. 

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