If the TC Schwarz-Rot-Neu­rup­pin eV his gang, in the sports hall of the Karl-Lieb­knecht-School, the dance flo­or is free again for the Fon­ta­ne Cup. This year he also found Novem­ber 23rd to Novem­ber 24th, 2024 On both days, the num­e­rous dance cou­ples from the mas­ter clas­ses had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dance for the cove­ted trophy.

Three cou­ples from our club did not miss this opportunity. 

To make a start Ste­fan Böh­me and Yvonne Ren­né at the Mas­ters II C Stan­dard. With 11 pairs They had to assert them­sel­ves in a lar­ge start­ing field. They mana­ged this wit­hout any pro­blems and theyogen in the finalHere they finis­hed the tour­na­ment with a 5th place. This gave them the neces­sa­ry ran­kings and points for pro­mo­ti­on and moved up to the B‑classOf cour­se, Ste­fan and Yvonne were not dis­ap­poin­ted by the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the tour­na­ment of Mas­ters II B Stan­dard not take. This time danced 8 pairs for the tro­phyHere too, the two the final and clo­sed Satur­day with a 5th place away.

In the lar­gest start­ing field of the day, Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel At the Mas­ters III B Stan­dard took a total of 22 pairs part, which makes it 2 preli­mi­na­ry rounds and a final Dirk and Ramo­na left after the first round 10 pairs behind them and danced their way to the semi­fi­nals 10th place 

With Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se The third Frank­furt dance cou­ple was on the dance flo­or. The two pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves at the Mas­ters IV B Stan­dard from slow waltz to quick­step. They con­fi­dent­ly danced their way into the final and secu­red the Bron­ze rank out of 9 pairs. 

All three pairs also kept Sun­day free and repea­ted their starts.

Fresh­ly arri­ved in the B‑Class Ste­fan and Yvonne also per­for­med again on this day at the Mas­ters II B Stan­dard Here too they rea­ched the final and rea­ched the 5th place out of 8 pairs.

18 dance cou­ples of the Mas­ters III B Stan­dard On Sun­day, the crowd retur­ned to the dance flo­or. Among them were Dirk and Ramo­na. Again, they had to qua­li­fy for the final via a preli­mi­na­ry round and the semi­fi­nal. Both teams mana­ged to ent­ry into the finalAfter ano­ther 5 dances they were able to 5th place dance.

Both Mas­ters IV B Stan­dard left Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se did not rule out their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on. This time 8 pairs on the sur­face. Heinz and Car­la danced their way into the final and roun­ded off the tour­na­ment weekend with a 3rd place. 

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all cou­ples on the­se results.   

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