The city on the Elbe invi­ted the inter­na­tio­nal dance sce­ne in the ICC Mari­tim Hotel in Dres­den The­re the annu­al Saxo­ni­an Dance Clas­sics from the Novem­ber 9th to Novem­ber 10th, 2024 Sur­roun­ded by num­e­rous spec­ta­tors, in chic out­fits, hundreds of pairs across the area.

A real mam­mo­th pro­gram Our dance cou­ple com­ple­ted Mar­tin Lutz and Katar­zy­na Rybins­ka. Both took part from mor­ning to evening in the same three world ran­king tour­na­ments part. 

They star­ted with the WDSF Open Stan­dard Seni­ors I. This means they start in the youn­ger age group and were with the Start­ing num­ber 18 of one of the 32 dance cou­ples. They danced here inn the second round and finis­hed in 22nd place.

Three hours later, the WDSF Open Stan­dard Seni­ors II. The start­ing field vtri­pled and the­re were 94 dance cou­ples on the dance flo­or. She danced over rounds one and two into the third roundThe­re they rea­ched a very good 14th place and missed only nar­row­ly missed out on rea­ching the semi­fi­nals by two cros­ses. This ended the stan­dard sec­tion as the fourth best Ger­man pair.

In the evening the Latin Ame­ri­can dances at the WDSF Open Latin Seni­ors IIFrom Sam­ba to Jive, the two pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves over two rounds and nar­row­ly missed the semi­fi­nals. They ended the tour­na­ment day with a 17th place out of 35 couples.

We con­gra­tu­la­te the cou­ple and wish them con­tin­ued success.

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