The first event was bare­ly over, The doors of exhi­bi­ti­on hall 1 ope­ned on Novem­ber 9, 2024. Anyo­ne who ente­red this area was gree­ted by a red car­pet and num­e­rous ban­quet tables. They invi­ted peo­p­le to expe­ri­ence the fol­lo­wing spec­ta­cle up clo­se. In the cen­ter of the hall was the stage of the evening, a 200m2 dance flo­or, whe­re dance cou­ples from six nati­ons show­ed the best dis­co fox the­re is.

The Ger­man dele­ga­ti­on also included four cou­ples from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder.

First, our two children’s pairs per­for­med in front of the more than 500 spec­ta­tors Nick­las Kaufmann/Nele Will­born and Samu Kirschke/Karlotta Herr­mann in the start­ing class Child­renBoth cou­ples had pre­pared inten­si­ve­ly in advan­ce and show­ed them­sel­ves on the lar­ge dance flo­or with their fast and slow dis­co fox. What fol­lo­wed was a trans­for­ma­ti­on. Nick­las and Nele crea­ted a gre­at atmo­sphe­re with their free­style per­for­mance of Hei­di. They spun around the area to applau­se. Then they drum­med Samu and Kar­lot­ta brought their bee fri­ends tog­e­ther and danced their free­style Maya the Bee. After adding up the scores, both cou­ples on the podi­um. Nick­las and Nele won the Children’s World Cham­pi­on­ship title and Samu and Kar­lot­ta won the Vice World Cham­pi­on­ship title the Children.

Encou­ra­ged by the first title, Lukas Sta­pel­moor and Lil­ly Sue Lutz also in the evening at the Juni­ors 2 to the start. To the slow and fast music they tur­ned from left to right and did not tie their arms. After­wards they also with­drew, to her meti­cu­lous­ly craf­ted free­style. Sud­den­ly Mickey Mou­se and Min­nie Mou­se on the dance flo­orWith much dedi­ca­ti­on they enchan­ted the audi­ence with their free­style and secu­red the Vice World Cham­pi­on title of the Juni­ors 2 in Discofox.

Ano­ther dou­ble start was also com­ple­ted by Mar­co and Lisa Küh­neThey also trai­ned for months not only for the TAF tour­na­ment, but also for the Adult World Cham­pi­on­shipThe­re they had to line up in a start­ing field from 26 inter­na­tio­nal cou­plesHere they pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves to slow and fast sounds. Inspi­red by the extra­or­di­na­ry atmo­sphe­re in the hall, they gave her per­for­mance Litt­le Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf to the best. After the fina­le they finis­hed in 6th place.

Pho­to: AR photography

In addi­ti­on to the num­e­rous fan­ta­stic dancers at the World Cham­pi­on­ship, the spec­ta­tors were able to mar­vel at won­derful per­for­man­ces from hip-hop to jazz to majo­ret­tes. But also for the Musi­cal enter­tain­ment, along with deli­cious cate­ring, was provided.

This event requi­red par­ti­cu­lar­ly inten­si­ve and well-plan­ned orga­niza­ti­on, which would not have been pos­si­ble wit­hout the num­e­rous hel­pers. They mas­te­red the diver­se tasks requi­red for an event of this size excel­lent­ly. We would like to express our grea­test thanks for this gre­at achievement.

At the same time, we would like to extend our grea­test thanks to all our sup­port­ers, sup­port­ers and spon­sors who also made a fun­da­men­tal con­tri­bu­ti­on to the rea­liza­ti­on of this day. Thank you very much.

Of cour­se we would like to con­gra­tu­la­te our cou­ples on their won­derful results. We are proud to have you in our club. We wish you con­tin­ued success.

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