“The Bal­tic Sea Dances” was held again in Holm in 2023. The tour­na­ment cover­ed the days from August 25th, 2023 to August 27th, 2023. Four clubs from Ham­burg and Schles­wig-Hol­stein are orga­ni­zing the lar­gest tour­na­ment event for seni­ors. In total, the tour­na­ment has been held over 45 times.

This year took Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel part. They star­ted seve­ral times on Fri­day. Here they danced in Latin Seni­ors II B and rea­ched the 6th place. Also with the Seni­ors III B They were able to dance their way into the fina­le and finis­hed with one 2nd place away.

The two of them were on the dance flo­or on Satur­day wit­hout a long break. Like the day befo­re, both age groups danced in Latin. Here too they rea­ched the Seni­ors II B 6th place and at the Seni­ors III B a 2nd place

Dirk and Ramo­na also took part in the stan­dard tour­na­ments. Here they were able to dance their way into the inter­me­dia­te rounds seve­ral times.

We con­gra­tu­la­te you on the­se achievements!

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