The weekend from Novem­ber 25th, 2023 to Novem­ber 26th, 2023 was used for dancing in Neu­rup­pin. Here he jud­ged TC Schwarz-Rot-Neu­rup­pin won the Fon­ta­ne Cup in the mas­ter clas­ses. In the beau­tiful­ly deco­ra­ted sports hall of the Karl Lieb­knecht Ele­men­ta­ry School in Neu­rup­pin, cou­ples from all over Ger­ma­ny floa­ted across the parquet.

Also the­re were four pairs from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder

Star­ted on Satur­day Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker suc­cessful twice. First they danced at the Mas­ters IC stan­dard, whe­re they have it 4th Place achie­ved. Then it went to them Mas­ters II C Stan­dard fur­ther and here the two danced 2nd place.

They were also the­re on Satur­day Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se. They star­ted first with the Mas­ters III D Stan­dard and ended this tour­na­ment with the 3rd place. It con­tin­ued with them Mas­ters IV D Stan­dard. They got the­re straight away the top spot on the podi­um. As tour­na­ment win­ners, Heinz and Car­la-Maria were then allo­wed to join the tour­na­ment Mas­ters IV C Stan­dard dance along. Here they con­cluded with one 2nd place away. With the­se results the cou­ple is pro­mo­ted to C class.

Tra­ve­led as ano­ther Frank­furt cou­ple Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk at. They danced at the Mas­ters II B Latin with and were able to 5th place to back up.

The fourth cou­ple in the league were Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel. In the tour­na­ment Mas­ters II C Latin they rea­ched it 7th place

As if Satur­day was­n’t enough, all cou­ples com­pe­ted again on Sunday.

We star­ted again Falk Korn­dör­fer and Chris­ti­ne Becker the one at the Mas­ters IC stan­dard dance your way into a place and with that 3rd place achie­ved. They also com­ple­ted a dou­ble start on Sun­day and took first place 2nd place at the Mas­ters II C Stan­dard

The new­ly min­ted C‑class cou­ple Heinz and Car­la-Maria Krau­se I also use Sun­day to coll­ect points and pla­cin­gs again on the field. This was achie­ved with the 1st place at the Mas­ters IV C Stan­dard

Also Ste­fan Scholz and Anna Lunk danced again. This time they went with the Mas­ters III B to the start. They con­vin­ced and finis­hed the tour­na­ment with one 3rd place.

With Dirk and Ramo­na Vogel star­ted ano­ther pair. They pre­sen­ted them­sel­ves in Latin Mas­ters III C Latin. In this tour­na­ment they went as tour­na­ment win­ner from the flo­or and were able to go straight to them Mas­ters III B dance along. The­re they rea­ched the 4th Place.

We con­gra­tu­la­te all cou­ples on the­se achievements! 

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