rbb docu­men­ta­ry series fol­lo­wed Frank­furt dance cou­ples up to the sta­te championship

The docu­men­ta­ry series “My Move – The Dance School” (rbb) accom­pa­nies three dance cou­ples bet­ween the ages of eight and twel­ve on their way to the Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg sta­te cham­pi­on­ship in stan­dard dance. Also included are Lil­ly Sue Lutz and Lukas Sta­pel­moor from the 1. Dance Sports Club Frank­furt (Oder) eV. In addi­ti­on to school, Lil­ly and Lukas spend many hours in the trai­ning hall and pur­sue their shared hob­by of cou­ple dancing. On the way to the natio­nal cham­pi­on­ship, every move­ment and every figu­re is refi­ned. They are accom­pa­nied through their ups and downs by their trai­ner Mar­tin Lutz. Lutz has been a trai­ner at the 1st Tanz­sport­club Frank­furt (Oder) eV for years and is hims­elf an acti­ve com­pe­ti­ti­ve dancer in the hig­hest class. 

From Sep­tem­ber 24th will be the ten-part docu­men­ta­ry series every Satur­day at 3 p.m. on KiKa or can also be seen at kika.de and in the KiKa player. 

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on is available here: “My Move – The Dance School” from Sep­tem­ber 24th at KiKA | rbb (rbb-online.de)



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