On March 12, 2023, the LTV Ber­lin youth tour­na­ment day took place at Lake Tegel. A lar­ge num­ber of tour­na­ments, from D to A clas­ses, were held in the disci­pli­nes Stan­dard and Latin. Accor­din­gly, a lar­ge num­ber of cou­ples ended up in the Palais am See and the lake­si­de ter­race. Inclu­ding Fabri­ce Renné/Chantal Scha­t­a­low and Mak­sym Drozdovskyi/Evelina Thaens from 1. TSC Frank­furt Oder.

Fabri­ce and Chan­tal were able to pre­vail in the Juni­or II D Latin and rea­ched the winner’s podi­um. They also beat strong com­pe­ti­ti­on in the Youth D Latin com­pe­ti­ti­on and achie­ved an excel­lent second place. The two com­pe­ted in the C‑Class for the first time in Standard.

Mak­sym and Eve­li­na made it to the finals of both the Juni­or II C Stan­dard and the Youth C Stan­dard and thus set them­sel­ves apart from the big com­pe­ti­ti­on. They achie­ved 7th place out of 12 pairs in the juni­ors cate­go­ry and a gre­at 5th place out of 13 pairs in the youth category. 

The cou­ples con­tin­ued wit­hout much of a break the fol­lo­wing weekend. This time the three cou­ples, Mak­sym Drozdovskyi/Evelina Thaens, Fabri­ce Renné/Chantal Scha­t­a­low and Lukas Stapelmoor/Lilly Sue Lutz ended up in Finow­furt. The TSA Green-Gold youth tour­na­ment took place here at SV Motor Eberswalde. 

Mak­sym and Eve­li­na took second place in the Youth C Stan­dard and were pro­mo­ted to the B class.

Fabri­ce and Chan­tal com­pe­ted seve­ral times. In Stan­dard they impres­sed the jud­ges and achie­ved 3rd place in the Youth C cate­go­ry and 4th place in the Juni­or II C cate­go­ry. After the stan­dard tour­na­ments, we con­tin­ued with Latin, whe­re the two were able to win the Juni­or II D and move up to the C class. The­re they danced direct­ly with the Juni­ors II C and impres­sed with a 2nd place.

Lukas and Lil­ly also took part and took 4th place in the Youth C Stan­dard. They achie­ved a strong 3rd place in the Juni­or II C Latin.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to all cou­ples and good luck in the upco­ming tournaments.

Mak­sym Drozdovskyi/Evelina Thaens (2nd place) and Fabri­ce Renné/Chantal Scha­t­a­low (3rd place)
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